I have been using the new CISCO DX80 for some time now it works great for video calling, as well as, the primary display for my computer. I had a bit of trouble with the focus of the camera but new firmware and better light it seems to be working well now.
While the unit is great - I have struggled a bit with the interface particularly as a busy Tech Guy. This series of blogs will cover some simple tasks I have attempted to automate with the CISCO xAPI that are a little clunky with the DX80.
Most of these will work with any CISCO endpoint but most of the testing was done with a CISCO DX80 and EX90!
The following are some of the functions that I have automated with some pretty simple VBScript on my laptop.
Mute/UnMute - This was the first function I wanted to automate. There is a physical button to mute/un-mute but I wanted to do it using a keystroke on my computer.
Dialing - This was my biggest pet peeve! I use the DX80 as my primary display. When I open an Outlook meeting invitation with the Virtual Meeting Room (SIP address) in it and touch the screen on my DX80 to dial the address - the on-screen menu displays over top of my Outlook invite so I can’t see the dialing instructions…
Pull live call statistics - This was just something I was interested in doing as a network guy.
As mentioned above - I am doing most of this with VBScript but will also share a short post that shows how to send these commands from a Mac using CURL.
For an excellent source of information on the CISCO xAPI - check out the following:
Hope you enjoy this series…